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  1. Register Today for the 2025 Soil Health Webinar Series

    Get ready to dig into soil health with the 2025 Soil Health Webinar Series hosted by The Ohio ... will weigh in on practical steps to improve soil health and measure impact on crop yield and farm ...

  2. A Tree Nerd's Dream: Botanizing in Japan

    opportunity to fulfill a decadeslong desire to immerse myself in the fascinating—and  generally familiar—flora ... resemblance and genetic relationships linking many Asian plants with our North American natives. Thanks to ... millions of years of continental drift, a panoply of plant species has emerged from common ancestors, ...

  3. Candidacy Oral Exam – Sushma Katari

    245 kw Monday, December 16, 2024- 10:00am to 12:00pm ...

  4. Diamond Grove Scholars

    219 Varun kw Monday, December 2, 2024- 6:00pm to 8:00pm ...

  5. Starlab Lunch

    245 kw Monday, December 2, 2024- 12:00pm to 2:30pm ...

  6. 4-H Club Yearly Financial Summary Due

    Advisors: Ohio 4-H Club/Affiliate Yearly Financial Summary due to the Extension office by close of ...

  7. Club Paperwork Due

    4-H Advisors:  Paperwork due to the Extension office by close of day includes Club Meeting Form, ...

  8. Jessica Eikleberry

    several titles but always saw her job as integrating people, processes, and technology to solve problems.  ... Jessica used those same skills to help to establish Local Roots Market & Café in Wooster in 2009 and ... about creating a more resilient food system and building community.   Projects: Pathways to Prosperity-  ...

  9. Volunteers sought for ODS exam assistance

    registered with our office.  We are requesting your assistance in order to help us maintain test integrity ... reading a book. No keyboarding, in order to provide a distraction-reduced testing space. Monitors will be ... sedentary with the sole duty of administering exams to an individual student. Test Assistant will either ...

  10. Finals are upon us!

    Don't forget that the Learning Lab is here to help!Check the website for available times: ...
